Here are the main points to note:
Select the settings button
in the blue title bar to change the display settings
You can select to view the prior period Trial Balance also by checking 'show comparative period'
- You can choose to show/hide zero balance accounts by checking/unchecking 'show zero balances'
By hitting 'Preview' it will produce the report for you on a once off instance
By hitting 'Save' it will save these settings for the next time you open the report
To the left of the settings button is the Export button
which will export the on-screen report to excel for you to play with
Click on any account balance to see a breakdown of that balance
Note: If you select a prior period balance it will present you a breakdown within the prior period
- Just in case, remember you can jump between periods from the date dropdown at the top of the screen
If you're looking for more, try out the 'Formatted Trial Balance' under 'Balances' in the main menu...