Within the Account Details report you can edit transactions right there and then...

So, when scrolling through the General Ledger, if you see:

  • a spelling mistake
  • an entry in the wrong account
  • the wrong reference
  • the wrong tax rate
  • any old error that needs fixing
then just use this quick and handy tool:

  • To the right of any relevant entry you'll see a little pen like this: 

  • Click it and you'll get a pop up allowing you to edit the details, reference or the account where the entry was assigned

something like this:

As you can see from above you have the ability to:

  • Edit the 'Details'

  • Edit the 'Reference' (won't apply to things like Cheque batches where a Cheque number auto-appears instead)

  • Flag or unflag the entry

  • Edit the 'Tax rate'
  • Change the account it is assigned to

Just like that the page will reload with the change!

There'll be no adjusting journal entry - it will simply update the batch it is contained in...